Friday, June 24, 2011


HEY!   Here's the first post of my blog, Julie's World.  Can't wait to share with you, my escapades & the great cast of characters in my life!
Yesterday, speaking to a friend in the clothing biz, she mentioned Leisure Suits.  My mind went immediately to OMG, that's for old folks... over 50!   Pause...WAIT...That's me, I'm over 50!  I realized then that I don't feel it, at least not in attitude.  50 is not old!
Today, sitting out by our pool w/ Jake, our dog, listening to our 200 CD player on random, a great song came on that spoke of youth & "In the Zone" & summer & had such a great groove.  I met the talented singer, songwriter, Alina Smith, at one of John's gigs last month in Hollywood.  Boy, was she great!  The song is titled "Top Down" & it's my new summer song!